Los jóvenes y la violencia / María Elizabeth Alejandrina Domínguez Ángel ... [et al.] by
- Domínguez Ángel, María Elizabeth Alejandrina [coaut.]
- López Pozos, Cecilia [coaut.]
- Carro Bautista, Judith Esther [coaut.]
- Martínez Luna, Gustavo Alonso [coaut.]
- Hernández Hernández, Felipe [coaut.]
- Zacatelco Sánchez, José Cruz Omar [coaut.]
Edition: 2a ed.
Publication details: Tlaxcala : Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca General (1)Call number: 305.235 J869j 2015. Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 305.235 j869j 2015.
Investing in youth : Australia
Publication details: Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 331.340981 I624i 2016.
Los jóvenes y la violencia / José Fernando García Zamudio ... [et al.] by
- García Zamudio, José Fernando [coaut.]
- Carro Bautista, Judith Esther [coaut.]
- López Pozos, Cecilia [coaut.]
- Martínez Luna, Gustavo Alonso [coaut.]
- Hernández Hernández, Felipe [coaut.]
- Zacatelco Sánchez, Omar [coaut.]
Publication details: Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala : Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala : Secretaría de Autorrealización, 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca General (1)Call number: 305.235 J869j. Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 305.235 J869j.
Investing in youth : Brazil Language: English
Publication details: París, Francia : organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: OCDE 331.340981 I624i 2014.
Miradas desde lo social en urbanismo, cultura, género e historia : una perspectiva de jóvenes investigadores universitarios / Stefan Gandler, Oliva Solís Hernández, eds. by
- Gandler, Stefan [ed.]
- Solís Hernández, Oliva [ed.]
Publication details: Querétaro, Querétaro : Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales : Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Editorial Universitaria, 2015
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca General (1)Call number: 972.45 M6722m-d.
Investing in youth : Sweden
Publication details: Paris, [Francia] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 331.3409485 I624i 2016.
Employment and skills strategis in Canada
Publication details: Paris [Francia] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Local Economic and Employment Development Programme, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 331.120971 E556e 2014.
Youth in the MENA region : how to bring them in
Publication details: Paris [Francia] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Legislativa (1)Call number: 323.0420956 Y835y 2016.