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Kalecki's arguments for socialism

By: Material type: ArticleArticle In: Momento económico 107 (ene-feb. 2000), 81-86Summary: Kalecki shared with Veblen a view that capitalism's main defects are underproduction and instability. Both considered that these could only be finally removed under socialism with technocratic central economic planning. However his own experience of this enabled Kalecki to develop a more sophisticated view of how this planning should be done to avoid over-investment, and how central planning should be balanced with local syndicalism. While their ideas on socialist economic organization have been overtaken by a swing back to capitalism, their reasons for socialim, including Veblen's analysis of finance, remain vital insights into the operations of capitalist econonies.
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Kalecki shared with Veblen a view that capitalism's main defects are underproduction and instability. Both considered that these could only be finally removed under socialism with technocratic central economic planning. However his own experience of this enabled Kalecki to develop a more sophisticated view of how this planning should be done to avoid over-investment, and how central planning should be balanced with local syndicalism. While their ideas on socialist economic organization have been overtaken by a swing back to capitalism, their reasons for socialim, including Veblen's analysis of finance, remain vital insights into the operations of capitalist econonies.

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