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The clash of civilizations? /

Huntington, Samuel

The clash of civilizations? / Samuel P. Huntington - [México] : [s n.], [200-?] - 1 v. (en varias paginaciones

Fotocopias engargoladas

Contenido : How Countries democratize -- The end of what modernity? / Immanuel Wallerstein -- Civilisational conflict, looking for cultural enemies / Jacinta O'hagan -- Mexico's National identity after NAFTA / Isidro Morales Moreno -- Regional autonomy in Nicaragua. A new approach to the indigenous question in Latin America / Hans Petter Buvollen -- The capitalist world-economy : middle-run prospects / Immanuel Wallerstein -- The double-writing of statecraft : exploring state responses to illegal inmigration / Roxanne Lynn Doty -- The agonies of liberalism : what hope progress? --Democracy for the long haul / Samuel P. Huntington -- Illusions about consolidation / Guillermo O'Donnell

Av. Congreso de la unión 66; Col. El Parque; Alcaldía Venustiano
Carranza; C.P. 15960 Ciudad de México; Edificio C, Nivel 2
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